We're urgently recruiting translators and typesetters. Please email me at [email protected] or join #kaitou-recruits on Rizon. Chat with us or download via XDCC at #[email protected]. If you're having playback issues, make sure you're using the latest KCP or CCCP.
Please join us! We are looking for experienced typesetters! Chat with us or download via XDCC at #[email protected]. If you're having playback issues, make sure you're using the latest KCP or CCCP.
Sorry for the delay... Constipation. Chat with us or download via XDCC at #[email protected]. If you're having playback issues, make sure you're using the latest KCP or CCCP.
We're urgently recruiting typesetters and translators for this show. Please email me at [email protected], or find Kaitou_Kid or An_chan on #[email protected]. Chat with us or download via XDCC at #[email protected]. If you're having playback issues, make sure you're using the lates
Onara the Fart, literally, but I think the fart's (or the man's?) name is Onara Gorou, so I kept it as it is. Chat with us or download via XDCC at #[email protected]. If you're having playback issues, make sure you're using the latest KCP or CCCP.