Tenrou: Sirius the Jaeger - 11 HD -"Calling in Blood" Follow our Fb page: (Fb.com/SA18HDFansub) Join our Discord Channel (https://discord.gg/jQZyGRG) for anime related discussion, DDLs and much more...
Raw from [Ohys: Sirius the Jaeger - 05](https://nyaa.si/view/1064847) **English Styled Subtitles** I have soft-subbed Mkv if you want it comment to tell me. About 415.5Mbs file size.     [DDL2]( facebook.com/195785357730455/latest_video)
Tenrou: Sirius the Jaeger Episode 1 English Subbed HD High Quality Subs.... This Time Quality Check..For 3hrs.. Spelling Check, Grammar check done. Visit FB Page...... "Spring Animes 2018 HD" for Anime related Discussion and much more... Source: [ https://www.mp4upload.com/ni0s5iitu7ok https://www.mp4upload.c