Only one track since there is no need for two this episode. Chat with us or download via XDCC at #[email protected]. If you're having playback issues, make sure you're using the latest KCP or CCCP.
Two subtitle tracks as usual. "In Vietnam - Part One" - Localized "In Vietnam - Part One" - Honorifics Chat with us or download via XDCC at #[email protected]. If you're having playback issues, make sure you're using the latest KCP or CCCP.
Two subtitle tracks as usual. "In Vietnam - Part One" - Localized "In Vietnam - Part One" - Honorifics Chat with us or download via XDCC at #[email protected]. If you're having playback issues, make sure you're using the latest KCP or CCCP.
This release of Young Black Jack has two subtitle tracks. -"Deserters" - No Honorifics (Default) -"Deserters" - Honorifics Chat with us or download via XDCC at #[email protected]. If you're having playback issues, make sure you're using the latest KCP or CCCP.
This release of Young Black Jack has two subtitle tracks. -"Abduction" - No Honorifics -"Abduction" - Honorifics Chat with us or download via XDCC at #[email protected]. If you're having playback issues, make sure you're using the latest KCP or CCCP.